Historians taking on Trump’s many inaccuracies of America’s ‘wars’ after his July 4 speech: There were no airports back then
July 4 event and Trump’s address to attendees
July 6, 2019
Trump’s rain soaked Fourth of July speech was, for many, not exactly the “greatest” show he promised.
Depending on who you ask, the event itself was largely seen as a manufactured political ploy and campaign strategy.
The cost of the 24 aircraft flyover alone (not including other costs) is estimated to hit taxpayers with somewhere near $560,000 per hour, according to the Defense Department.
Many U.S. military top officials were concerned that the event would politicize the military and reportedly, Pentagon leaders had “reservations” about placing tanks and other equipment on display. Some of the top military chiefs did not attend the event.
Scottsdale Community College student, Riley Pendleton, is also a veteran.
Northeast Valley News asked him what he thought about the July 4 event in D.C.
Pendleton was looking forward to a break from politics with a focus on those who serve and have served.“This is chump change for the government and the military. It costs money to move troops and supplies anywhere. With all the current division in our country, lets appreciate our military and the people that volunteered. Our armed forces are appreciated all over the world. Forget about politics for one day and please take time show some gratitude for the country we live in,” Pendleton said.
Arizona State University student and veteran, Corey Mills, saw the event as something done more for Trump than the country.
“It’s not necessary, I don’t like people who use the military for a show or their agenda. There’s nothing worse than calling up a display of military power for something ridiculous and spending money for no reason. We need to fix serious issues for veterans returning from active duty and living with the consequences of their service—this is something I am very familiar with,” Mills said.
But for many, the real spectacle may have Trump’s numerous historical errors when citing American war history.
From Trump’s confusion between two wars (decades apart) to the reference of the Valley Forge crossing which actually occurred during the Revolutionary War, and the incorrect citation of the battle when the national anthem was written, or the claim that the Army “took over airports” in 1775-1814…when the Wright brothers flew Kitty Hawk in 1903.
The inaccuracies proved to be too much for history buffs and many Americans were asking…”what did he just say?”…but some historians went further and created a Twitter flurry with hashtag GIF’s such as #RevolutionaryWarAirportStories.