A space at SCC for gaming consoles, friendly competition and socializing
SCC students gathering in the area near cafeteria to play games.
September 25, 2019
There is an area near the back of the cafeteria that was once used, or at least intended to be used, as a “leadership lounge” that has turned into what is affectionately called the “nerd cave.”
Becky Bradley of the Scottsdale Community College Service Learning and Leadership program told Northeast Valley News that the original intent of the area was to have study space and possibly “advertise different events,” in the area.
Today, it has become a space to chill with friends and share an area with other students many that want to play and compete with others on gaming consoles.
SCC student, Mia Portnoy enjoys the freedom of the space as it provides an area of retreat.
“You can come here and do whatever you want as long as you’re not hurting people,” Portnoy said.
SCC student, Nick Anctil, told Northeast Valley News that the place is pretty much used for chilling out with friends between classes and playing games and that no one bothers the students—occasionally, a faculty member will simply come in to see if the television is broken.
Even though students that enjoy playing games make up the majority of people that wander into the “nerd cave,” other students go to the “nerd cave” in order to do homework, eat something from the cafeteria and snack bar or just relax.