Senator McSally is called to action after public Impeachment hearings
Student activist
November 17, 2019
On Wednesday, “Move On” an organization that felt inspired to speak out in light of the recent testimonies before Congress to press action from Senator McSally.
Because of the testimonies in Congress on Wednesday by George P. Kent, a senior State Department official and Wiliam B. Taylor Jr., the top United States diplomat in Ukraine, Nick Petrusek organizer of “Move On” planned an impeachment protest with students that feel as though the current sitting president committed crimes and acts of obstruction of justice.
“One of our big goals here is to be able to really put pressure on Senator Mcsally and let her know that this is where constituents are, and basically it’s up to you if you wanna actually represent your own constituents,” Petrusek said. “And put that pressure on McSally to come out and say no one is above the law including our own president,”
The opening statement of Kent and Taylor laid out what they saw and heard of efforts to force Ukraine to investigate Democratic opponents.
“The Ukraine call was about as much of a smoking gun as anyone can look for, when your pressuring a foreign government to help you politically I think that’s about as far away from what America stands for as possible. Our democracy is predicated on the fact that everybody has a fair and equal chance including our own politicians and you know the fact that our own president is seeking those sorts of favors and being willing to withholding money for it is inexcusable.” Petrusek said.
The Republican panel in the testimony hearings today called this the continuation of harassment of the current sitting president. Representative Devin Nunes, Republican of California said: “they [the witnesses] have been convinced, wittingly or unwittingly, to be part of a corrupt investigation that he called a televised theatrical performance, staged by the Democrats.”
North East Valley News spoke to Oni Verduzco on what she hopes to see in this upcoming election year.
“I definitely hope the young voters especially, w
ill take responsibility and come out to vote because it makes a huge impact on our future,” Verduzco said.