Texas to sue school districts for imposing mask mandates

President Biden has vowed to support the institutions

Rumble Press (Flickr)

Texas is suing several school districts for imposing mask mandates.

Ole Olafson, Reporter

In a move that may foreshadow similar legal actions in Arizona, the state of Texas is suing several school districts that have imposed their own mask mandates.

The school’s actions are contrary to Texas Gov. Greg Abbott’s May executive order, prohibiting public schools and state universities from requiring staff and students to wear masks.

Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton has said lawsuits will be brought against the school districts of Elgin, Galveston, Richardson, Round Rock, Sherman, and Spring for requiring students and staff to wear facial coverings.

“Not only are superintendents across Texas openly violating state law, but they are using district resources—that ought to be used for teacher merit raises or other educational benefits—to defend their unlawful political maneuvering,” Paxton said in a statement.  “I have full confidence that the courts will side with the law — not acts of political defiance.”

Arizona’s Gov. Doug Ducey is supporting similar legislation which will take effect on Sept. 29.

Currently, dozens of school districts in Arizona have imposed mask mandates in direct opposition to Ducey’s orders. Schools in both states face losing millions of dollars in funding for defying their respective governors.

President Joe Biden vowed Thursday to throw his support behind schools intent on keeping their mask mandates in place by replacing any lost funding with federal monies.

“Right now, local school officials are trying to keep children safe in a pandemic while their governor picks a fight with them and even threatens their salaries or their jobs,” Biden said. “Talk about bullying in schools.

“If they’ll not help — if these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I’ll use my power as President to get them out of the way,” Biden continued. “I promise you I will have your back.”