Blake Masters, a Trump endorsed Senate candidate and self-described Christian reportedly blames Black people for America’s gun violence problem and is endorsed by a neo-Nazi blogger

“If you think his name alone makes him sound like a third-tier Bond villain, wait until you hear about his everything else, because Masters is a Peter Thiel-backed self-described ‘conservative nationalist,’ said John Oliver in a recent airing of Last Week Tonight about the senate candidate.

Gage Skidmore (Flickr)

Blake Masters speaking with attendees at a rally at Country Thunder Arizona in Florence, Arizona.

Nicole White, Reporter

Story Updated from July 14

Senate candidate, Blake Master’s lauds his many connections to long-time Trump supporter, Peter Thiel and Thiel is Master’s biggest political benefactor. The billionaire tech investor, Thiel, has poured more than $10 million in support of Masters.

But John Oliver and other late-night entertainment/news commentators have taken aim at Master’s over his racist remarks blaming Black people for the gun problem in the U.S.

Blake Masters describes himself as a Christian, husband, father, businessman, gun owner and an early member of the Trump’s MAGA movement on his campaign website.

The Trump endorsed Republican candidate for the Arizona U.S. Senate seat said on a podcast this year that “Black people, frankly” are—according to Master’s—apparently to blame for America’s gun violence problem.

“We do have a gun violence problem in this country and it’s gang violence” Master’s said on “The Jeff Oravits Show.” “It’s gangs. It’s people in Chicago, St. Louis shooting each other. Very often, you know, Black people, frankly.”

Masters went on to say that the recent Supreme Court pick Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, the first black woman confirmed to the court was “a horrible pick” and an “affirmative action candidate.”

Masters has not returned requests for comment from Northeast Valley News on these, and other on the record statements he has reportedly made.

As a Trump endorsed candidate, it’s of little surprise that Masters continues to perpetuate the false claims that the 2020 election was stolen.

Master’s has also been endorsed by neo-Nazi blogger, Andrew Anglin, who reportedly wrote in a 30-article series that advocates genocide of Jewish people.

“This is the Jews for you, people,” Anglin wrote in the first of a 30-article series that advocates genocide of Jewish people. “They are a vicious, evil race of hate-filled psychopaths. When you do something they don’t like they will use the power of the media to come down on you, assassinate your character.”

After apparent backlash, Master’s rejected the neo-Nazi blogger’s endorsement in a statement but placed the blame of the endorsement outrage squarely on the media.

According to the Phoenix New Times, Paul Rockower, executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of Greater Phoenix said of Master’s endorsement (from the ne-Nazi blogger) and then Master’s subsequent rejection—“That’s telling,” “When given the opportunity to reject anti-Semitism and Holocaust denial, Masters refused—denouncing ‘the media’ in starker terms that he denounces the neo-Nazi publication, The Daily Stormer.”

Master’s and several other GOP candidates are running in the Republican primary for U.S. Senate on August 2, 2022 and the winner will face Arizona Senator Mark Kelly in the general election on November 8, 2022.