Some Arizona voters “creeped out” by reported tweet from Trump endorsed gubernatorial candidate, Kari Lake: “Roe v Wade and the culture of abortion is over. A new chapter of Life has begun. A chapter where we help women become the Mothers they are meant to be. Thank you God.”

Gage Skidmore (Flickr)

Kari Lake speaking at an event alongside Donald Trump

Nicole White, Reporter

Trump endorsed gubernatorial candidate, Kari Lake’s tweet last month has some Arizona voters angry enough to believe that Lake and other GOP candidates running for Governor have lost all sense of reality.

“Kari Lake is all but telling women “who” they must be— and, this, according to God?—are you kidding me?” said 46-year old Phoenix business woman, Candace Montague. “This is just creepy stuff.”

But other Republican candidates vying for the office of Governor have made statements that could be seen as equally “creepy.”

Scott Neely praised a particular deity in a tweet posted in late June.

“Rowe v Wade is overturned and now life will have a right, praise Jesus,”

U.S. law is supposed to be protected against the establishment of any religion in the U.S. (state or federal) according to the First Amendment and these kinds of statements by candidates who hope to secure the state’s top office are making many Arizona voters “creeped out” as well as particularly anxious about what constitutes sound law from potential elected officials in their home state.

“I don’t like any of the Republican candidates for Governor—because none of them, and this is so wrong for the women running—none of the Republican women are pushing back against the Roe v Wade decision,” said Viv Gonzales, a college student majoring in computer science at the University of Arizona in Tucson.

Katie Hobbs, the Democratic candidate for Governor is one of the lone candidates who made her position on protecting abortion clear after a key question was asked by The Arizona Republic regarding her stance on abortion law in Arizona.

“As governor, I will fight to repeal the draconian abortion bans Arizona has in place and fight for access to safe and legal abortion, reproductive health care and planning services, sex education and family support.”

Growing number of clergy opposed to Roe v Wade overturn: Decisions about our bodies and their care should be between the individual, our doctors, and our God.”

Even though many religious leaders across the country have lauded the overturn of Roe v Wade, a growing number of religious leaders and organizations do not support the Supreme Court decision.

Many leaders including representatives from the Southern Christian Coalition are concerned over the now increasing challenges to women across the country since the Roe decision. Some leaders are also worried about how this ruling will affect faith—in a negative way.

I am grieved by today’s decision to overturn Roe v. Wade” said Rev Laura Becker, Pastor of Northminster Presbyterian Church in Chattanooga.

“Decisions about our bodies and their care should be between the individual, our doctors, and our God. The worrisome truth is that now that abortions will no longer be legal in the majority of states in the U.S., including Tennessee, it will only eliminate the option for safe abortions, and it will impact already-marginalized communities the most. It is a moral failure on the part of our government to eliminate access to abortion care when our country offers so little support for young families in terms of affordable health care, parental leave, or subsidized child care.”

Rev. Dr. Lammers, Associate Pastor of First Congressional Church in Memphis, sees the recent ruling as “devoid of the very values of care, empathy, freedom and privacy and negates the complexities of human lives, which Christ always met with compassion in the Gospels.”