Dining with Denise: kale and radish macro salad

Photo editor Denise Elfenbein provides a recipe for a delicious kale and radish salad

Denise Elfenbein/Scottsdale Chronicle

The finished product: my kale and radish macro salad.

Denise Elfenbein, Photo Editor

Denise Elfenbein is a professional photographer and the photo editor for the Scottsdale Chronicle and NE Valley News. She believes that healthy eating is important for everyone and wants her fellow students to know that they can benefit nutritionally by taking some easy steps to improve their eating habits.

“A simple routine to healthy eating is both fast and affordable,” Elfenbein said.

The “Dining with Denise” series will entice students to “go healthy” by showcasing (through her photography) recipes that are both healthy and delicious.

Check out the various meals that are prepared in her cozy little kitchen and showcased on the food section at NEVN.

Bon appétit!

Kale and Radish macro salad

2 or 3 red radishes, very thinly sliced

1-2 inches daikon radish, very thinly sliced

1/4 head of green cabbage, chopped into 1 inch strips

1 c. of dino kale, (any kale will do) chopped into small in inch strips

2 scallions, finely chopped



1 T. white miso

1 t. honey or agave nectar

1/2 cup warm water

Mix these three ingredients together and warm if necessary to mix the miso into the water.

Salt and pepper to taste