New PAC funding can’t fix the “ugly” messaging—nor the many U-turns from Blake Masters
Despite fresh PAC funding for signs and attack ads against Mark Kelly—Master’s own on the record insults to U.S. Veterans,—calling abortion rights advocates “demonic”—nor his speech advocating privatizing Social Security can fix his ugly messaging

Blake Masters-Caricature
October 27, 2022
The Master’s campaign received a new influx of funds from conservative billionaire PAC funding and is sending out new messages—namely—attack ads seizing on allegations of Mark Kelly’s unevidenced “open border policy.”
New signs along Valley streets also reflect the latest turn for Masters.
The Master’s campaign has never been able to retain focus, nor solid messaging—instead it relies on a campaign managed hour by hour, poll by poll, and who knows what else—and when one message doesn’t work…enter another.
The Blake Masters platform has changed so many times that it’s likely difficult for his own campaign staff to keep up with—let alone Arizona voters.
That’s because the Master’s campaign platform has never resonated with the majority of Arizona voters.
Fast forward—with two weeks left before the election—yet another eleventh hour attempt at a new message for Masters after a big deposit was made in his campaign bank account.
It’s tough to compete with millions rushing in from GOP PAC interests in order to revive the Master’s campaign and try and secure a U.S. Senate seat for Republicans.
But the ugly keeps sticking to Masters.
From calling pro-abortion rights advocates “demonic,” to suggesting that Congress privatize Social Security, blaming Black people for America’s gun violence—to attacking veterans, and a botched attempt by Masters to try and deny a connection to a known virulent antisemitic —the Masters campaign tries to revise‚ turn around, delete and recalibrate—what’s next?
Master’s has simply worn the ugly messaging too long, and too well.
During the primary in Arizona, rhetoric about the 2020 presidential election on the Blake Masters campaign website was listed as “a rotten mess” and, “If we had a free and fair election, President [Donald] Trump would be sitting in the Oval Office today.”
But according to CNN, Master’s election denials were removed.
This is one of several hardline stances that have vanished from the Master’s campaign website.
Softening and even making some stark about-face statements over issues that Master’s has voraciously asserted, on the record, appear to be his new campaign strategy.
But Mr. Masters may simply be taking a page from other GOP candidates that are veering off their own hardline lanes after losing ground on issues like federal mandates against abortion rights and even criminalizing birth control.
Blake Master’s references to pro-abortion rights as “demonic” came after Masters responded to a question posed to him on a podcast regarding banning abortion on a national level…when asked by the host, “Would you support a similar statue?”
Masters replied,
“Yeah—it’s a religious sacrifice to these people, I think it’s demonic.”
The Master’s campaign website, according to NBC News, has been overhauled, “rewriting or erasing five of his six positions” including a now deleted stance on the site that once stated support for “a federal personhood law (ideally a Constitutional Amendment) that recognized that unborn babies are human beings that may not be killed.”
Also removed, according to NBC News, the language that said, “I am 100% pro-life.”
Even though much of Master’s hardline rhetoric is nowhere to be found on his campaign website, the “demonic” statement regarding abortion rights, the privatizing of Social Security speech, the offensive references to affirmative action found within tweets and blaming Black people for America’s gun violence…remain on that early and rigid campaign map and—widely reported online.
The Master’s campaign may be able to place shiny new signs along Valley streets and buy million dollar ad spots between popular prime-time television, but they can’t fix the ugly already out there.